CoolSculpting is now FDA-cleared to treat the entire thigh area, including outer thighs! The CoolSculpting procedure is clinically proven to non-surgically reduce unwanted fat, and is already FDA cleared to treat the abdomen and flanks.

The CoolSculpting procedure is the first and only clinically proven non-surgical solution using cooling for fat reduction of the thighs. CoolSmooth, now available at Dermatology Consultants, is an applicator that easily and specifically treats the outer thighs and other non-pinchable fat bulges, and features a comfortable design that adjusts to fit each individual patient. In combination with an applicator launched last year and designed to treat longer fat bulges and hard-to-reach areas such as the inner thigh, the CoolSculpting procedure can now treat the complete thigh area.

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As with other CoolSculpting applicators, the CoolSmooth™ applicator destroys fat cells by freezing them, without affecting the surrounding tissue. After the procedure the body metabolizes destroyed fat cells. The result is a reduction in unwanted fat and unsightly bulges. Treatments last approximately 2 hours and most patients return to normal activities right afterward. 

CoolSmooth™ treatments are recommended for people with an active lifestyle looking to banish stubborn areas of ‘non-pinchable’ fat, such as the outer thighs and upper abdomen.  Patients may choose to receive two or more treatments to achieve their desired result. Results are usually seen 1-3 months after treatment. 



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